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Advanced Example

These are some examples of common use cases -

Select * from Table_Name where Column1=value1 or Column2=value2 or Column3=value3{
from: "Table_Name",
where: {
Column1: value1,
or: {
Column2: value2,
Column3: value3

Select * from Table_Name where Column1=value1 and (Column2=value2 or Column3=value3){
from: "Table_Name",
where: [{
Column1: value1
Column2: value2,
or: {
Column3: value3

Select * from Table_Name where Column1=value1 or (Column2=value2 and Column3=value3){
from: "Table_Name",
where: [{
Column1: value1
or: {
Column2: value2,
Column3: value3

Select * from Products where supplierId = 1 and (categoryId = 1 and price = 18) or(categoryId = 2 and price = 39)

from: "Products",
where: [{
supplierId: 1,
}, {
categoryId: 1,
price: 18,
}, {
or: {
categoryId: 2,
price: 39,

Hope these examples will help you to write more complex queries. If you are not able to understand or write some complex queries - ask at stackoverflow mentioning jsstore and indexeddb.